Frontline employees & your marketing

Talking to frontline employees who directly interact with customers is crucial for filling gaps in marketing content strategy for retail businesses. These employees, such as sales associates or customer service representatives, have firsthand knowledge of customer preferences, concerns, and feedback. Here are some reasons why it’s important:


Customer Insights: Frontline employees have direct interactions with customers on a daily basis. They understand customer needs, preferences, and pain points. Gathering insights from them can help in creating content that resonates with the target audience and addresses their specific concerns.

Real-Time Feedback: Frontline employees can provide real-time feedback on the effectiveness of current marketing strategies. They can share what customers are responding positively to and what may not be working well. This information is valuable for making immediate adjustments to marketing content.

Understanding Customer Language: Frontline employees are familiar with the language and phrases that customers use. This understanding is essential for creating content that feels relatable and speaks directly to the target audience. Using the right tone and language enhances the effectiveness of marketing materials.

Identifying Trends: Frontline staff can be a valuable source for identifying emerging trends or shifts in customer behavior. This information can guide marketing efforts to stay current and relevant in the ever-changing retail landscape.

Product Knowledge: Frontline employees are well-versed in the features and benefits of products or services. This knowledge is essential for creating accurate and compelling marketing content that highlights the value proposition of what the retail business offers.

Addressing Pain Points: Frontline employees often hear about customer complaints and issues. By addressing these pain points in marketing content, a business can show its commitment to customer satisfaction and potentially improve its overall customer experience.

Building Employee Engagement: Involving frontline employees in the marketing content strategy can boost their morale and engagement. They may feel more connected to the overall goals of the business and may provide even more valuable insights as a result.

Ensuring Consistency: Frontline employees can help ensure that the marketing message aligns with the actual customer experience. This consistency is crucial for building trust and credibility with the audience.


In summary, the input of frontline employees is invaluable for creating a well-informed and effective marketing content strategy. By listening to their insights, businesses can bridge gaps, tailor their messaging, and ultimately enhance the overall customer experience.

Dwight Cromie
Altek Media Group